Blueberry Cacao Maca Smoothie

Cacao Smoothie

As promised, here is the recipe for the morning smoothie featuring cacao and maca!

This shake is full of:
* Anti-oxidants for cancer prevention (blueberries, cacao)
* Omega 3’s for your heart and brain (flax seed oil)
* Calcium (almond milk)
* Magnesium (cacao)
*Maca for hormonal balancing post-breastfeeding – omit if pregnant or breastfeeding
* And most importantly it will give you great energy with balanced blood sugar because it uses stevia instead of other sweeteners (with no stevia aftertaste I promise!), and because it has lots of protein and healthy fat : )

Here ya go!

Blueberry Cacao Smoothie

1.5 cups unsweetened almond milk (or water)
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 scoop protein powder (I used Genuine Health fermented vegan protein, natural flavour)
2 tbsp cacao powder
1 packet stevia (I used Now brand, powder stevia)
1 tsp flax seed oil

Combine all ingredients in a blender except flax seed oil, and blend until smooth.
Add in flax seed oil and blend for 10 seconds on low until incorporated. (This is because flax oil is delicate and easily damaged).

Enjoy your delicious energy!!

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