by Kate on May 2nd, 2015 in Nutrition,Recipes,Superfoods,Uncategorized
A Lil’ Somthin’ Extra
(Gingery Chocolate Cravers Trail Mix recipe below!)
What’s trail mix without the occasional uber-tasty surprise? It’s important not to go overboard here, just add enough of these goodies so you get one or two in every couple handfuls:
- Cacao nibs:
Adds a raw chocolate boost providing you with a tiny bit of caffeine, and loads of antioxidants. Plus remember how we chatted about cacao being nature’s love drug? (check out my Valentine’s post to read more on this…)
- Chocolate covered anything
Of course you could go for the classic chocolate covered fruit, choosing dark chocolate which has less sugar and more anti-oxidants. But I really love chocolate coasted coconut chips, delish!
- Crystallized Ginger:
OMGosh, sweet and spicy, together at last! Crystallized ginger is anti-inflammatory, heart healthy, and is a funky way to brighten up your trail mix.
- Roasted nuts and seeds:
Tamari roasted almonds, spicy pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds, etc. all make tasty additions to savoury trail mix. But because they have been roasted, their omega 3 & 6 oil quality is decreased. So go ahead and add them to your mixes but make sure that raw nuts and seeds make up the bulk of your proteins.

Gingery Chocolate Cravers Trail Mix:
¼ cup Brazil Nuts, halved
¼ cup Macadamia nuts
¼ cup Hazelnuts
¼ cup Goldenberries
¼ cup Cranberries
2 tbsp Chocolate Coconut Chips
2 Tbsp Crystalized Ginger
Combine all in a jar, shake up and try not to eat in one sitting!

So there you have it! The latest and greatest ideas for 21st Century Trail Mix! It’s the ultimate functional food!
I’m sure I’ll see you at the health food store this weekend stocking up! : )
Tags: brazil nuts, cacao, cacao nibs, chocolate, coconut, coconut chips, cranberries, functional food, ginger, hazelnuts, healthy eating, macadamia nuts, wholefood