Smoothie Bowl Goodness!

I am in love with smoothies.  They have been the most transformative dietary change I ever made, and I absolutely swear by them. They keep my skin glowy, help me meet my daily water consumption goals, and help keep my digestion in tip-top shape.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of drinking smoothies daily:

  • A burst of easily absorbed nutrition
  • Loads of fiber for awesome digestion
  • A tasty way to up your water intake
  • An easy way to sneak veggies into your diet
  • A great way to hide supplements so you’re not popping so many pills
  • You can pack them full of superfruits
  • You can eat them while cleansing
  • A quick meal when you have no time to cook, or need a meal to go. In other words, the perfect way to avoid fast food when you have an afternoon of driving to Home Depot, then Lowes, then Rona, then Ikea…… Simply invest in a good coffee mug with a simple top  and you have an insulated smoothie holder which will stay cold until you’re ready to drink it. (Complex tops are hard to clean smoothie gunk out of so steer clear of ones with too much gadgetry)
  • Smoothies are also a nutrient dense, fast way to get in some extra calories when pregnant or nursing.


April 2015 043

Sometimes bad things
happen to good smoothies


So smoothies are the best thing since sliced bread, but… when you have a smoothie every morning, they can get a bit boring. And let’s face it, sometimes you just wanna bite into something instead of drinking through a straw. I guess other people feel the same way too because now eating your smoothie is all the rage. Yes, I said eating, not drinking!

That’s where smoothie bowls come into play. They are essentially a thick smoothie, served in a bowl, and topped with a variety of goodies.  So you by-pass the straw, and eat them with a spoon instead.


3. CNE Smoothie Bowl

Gingery Blueberry Smoothie Bowl

The toppings really are what makes a good smoothie bowl, because without them you are just eating a really thick fruity cold soup.  The key is different textures which give variety to every spoonful, and satisfy that primal need to chew.

Here are some ideas:

hemp hearts
cacao nibs
bee pollen
shredded coconut
raw nuts and seeds
dried fruit such as goji, cranberries, mulberries, golden berries
sliced fruit (kiwi, banana, apple, pear, peaches….)

You can achieve the thickness of the smoothie by adding extra chia seed, flax seed, avocado, banana, zucchini, frozen berries and fruit, and/or ice.

Here is a recipe for the yummy Gingery Blueberry Smoothie Bowl pictured above, give it a try! :
Gingery Blueberry Smoothie Bowl

1 cup       almond milk
1 cup       frozen blueberries
1/2 tsp    fresh grated ginger
1/4 tsp    cinnamon
3 tbsp     chia seed

Blend together until chia seeds are dissolved. (or pre-grind the chia seeds in a coffee grinder if your blender is not strong enough)
Top with your choice of toppings. In the picture you see blueberries, raspberries, cacao nibs, and shredded coconut.
